hortiONE Dimmer

hortiONE dimmer for 0-10V dimmable LED driver. No separate power supply is required. A 1-10V signal is generated. Plug & Play for all models of the hortiONE V2 series. Several dimmers can be connected to each other with an RJ11 / 12 telephone cable.


Rotary knob
dimming level in %

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1 – Knob aktive / dimmer active for standalone use.
0 – Knob inaktive / dimming-signal through RJ11 connector

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Daisychaining with RJ11 telephone-wire
Input from compatible controller

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1- Dimmer an / Licht an
0 -Dimm-Ausgang 0V: kleinste Dimmstufe oder
Power-Off bei kompatiblen Treibern

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Dimm-Level hortioNE368 hortiONE592
100% 130W - 330µmol/s 190W - 500µmol/s
80 % 104W , 264 µmol/s 152W, 400µmol/s
60% 78W, 198µmol/s 114W, 300µmol/s



The dimming level is provided by the master. All other rotary controls are inactive in this mode. Up to 12 dimmers can be linked together. We only recommend connecting lamps to each other via the same fuse (circuit).

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